A group of trans, non-binary, and cis women martial arts are posed cheering at Seattle's Pride parade behind a banner that reads, "Seven Star Women's Kung Fu"

Seven Star Women’s Kung Fu

martial arts training For gender-marginalized individuals. we welcome cisgender women, trans, nonbinary and Gender-Expansive People to train at our school (age 13+) . We offer self defense tRaining FOr All. Seattle NonProfit since 1981.

Train With Us

Upcoming Beginner’s Cycle

Registration is open for the next Beginner’s Cycle.
The next beginner’s cycle is from April 1st - May 8th. You can register here.

If you want to become a student at Seven Star, the first step is to take our 6-week Beginner’s Cycle. Visit our Beginner’s Cycle page to learn more.

Two women sparring. The woman on the right is kicking the woman on the left in the stomach.

Try a Free Class with Us

Curious to see if our martial arts program would be a good fit for you?  Take a free class with us at our Try A Class Night.
Our next Try A Class Night on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, from 6:30-8pm is full. Please check back soon to register for the next available date.

This class is a chance to check out our martial arts style, Kajukenbo. Open to trans, non-binary, gender expansive individuals and cis-women age 13+.  No prior experience necessary.  This is an opportunity to meet Seven Star students and teachers and get a feel for our curriculum, teaching style, and community. 

Upcoming Self Defense Class

Sunday, May 4th 1-3pm at Seven Star
For cisgender women, trans, nonbinary and Gender-Expansive People (Age 13+).
Visit our Self Defense page to learn more.

Rent Our Space

There is a large room with a wall-length mirror on the left, a wall-length bar on the right, and a wooden floor.

Seven Star's building is available to rent for rehearsals, classes, parties, or other events during mornings, early afternoons, and some evenings/weekends.  It's the perfect rehearsal space for martial artists, dancers, personal trainers, yoga instructors, and any movement based activities.

Check for our rates and availability.